Rahmani Mission

Rahmani Mission exists to serve Allah in serving His creations. The organization undertakes long term, short term and temporary endeavors to further the cause of humanity through education, health and social justice.
The first word to be revealed by Allah to our Prophet was “read”; the heavy emphasis placed by the Quran and the Sunnah upon education, contemplation and research is the reason that Rahmani Mission takes education of the people as one of its primary goals. On one hand where it mandates modern scientific education, the manifestation of which is Rahmani30 on the other hand is the Jamia Rahmani which seeks to further the understanding of the revealed way of life to the mankind. Besides this long term charter to develop academic and intellectual bases for the society, it also mandates short term approaches to develop skill-sets among the youth. It supports more than 20 crafts and tooling professions, in addition to these it created 202 centers for girls education and many centers of Rahmani Maktab to support education for kids who are not fortunate enough to attend regular school education. It also provides centers for training to other organizations, universities and the Government.

Rahmani Mission seeks to create an environment that is socially just so that all communities can live in peace and harmony. The body that seeks to implement this goal is Khanquah Rahmani which is a place of action and contemplation, this is the place for synthesizing action and knowledge – where people come to promise to abandon sins and change their lifestyle to one of service and dedication to humanity, where responsibility is taught and practiced, and where the rights and privileges of the people are safeguarded through peaceful resistance movements.

The Sunnah of the Prophet teaches us about one of the most important blessings of Allah – health. One of Rahmani Missions core objective is improvement and maintenance of individual and public health. To satisfy this objective Rahmani Foundation undertakes various health awareness campaigns such as the campaign against intoxication and smoking, awareness for prevention and treatment of the common cold, flu and viral infections. This region suffers from eye diseases and poverty makes it worse; to help these poor folks, eye surgery camps are conducted regularly where cataract surgery and other minor surgeries are performed in excess of hundreds of people. The foundation also undertakes polio and other vaccination campaigns. Free public clinics are a routine at the sprawling premises of the Rahmani Foundation where a large number of people benefit from free consultations by acclaimed doctors. Rahmani Foundation also undertakes road, sewer and city cleaning drives.
One of the core missions of Rahmani Foundation is to bridge the cultural divide between various religions so that communal riots can be prevented. To make this happen various cultural awareness drives including regular dialogues, conferences, seminars, mushaira is conducted on a routine basis.