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Rahmani Program of Excellence - Hifz Program

Jamia Rahmani has conducted Hifz program since its early days in the 1920’s and has produced exceptionally strong Huffaz of the Quran-al-Karim. Given that these Huffaz usually lead Taraweeh in the blessed month of Ramadhan, each student is required to demonstrate, at a minimum, the ability to recite from memory 5 Juz (para) from the Quran-al-Karim with less than three minor errors and thus complete the recitation of the complete Quran-al-karim in 6 sittings maximum. Students who are not able to meet this standard are not certified as “Hafiz” from Jamia Rahmani. Depending upon the ability of the student this can be a 4 to 6-year program.

Traditional structure of the Hifz program:

  • Subjects taught: Memorization of the Quran, Urdu, Fiqh of daily ibadaat
  • Standard for certification of Hafiz: Ability to recite the complete Quran i.e. 30 Juz in a maximum of 6 sitting with less than 3 minor mistakes in each sitting

Rahmani30 Hifz Program - Vision:

The changing and merging of the landscapes of the education and the technology prompted us to re-envision the Hifz program to prepare Huffaz who would also understand the Quran. We intend to establish a Hifz program that will enable students to be successful at Islamic sciences bachelor’s degree programs or programs at other liberal arts subjects. This program will develop intermediate level Arabic language capabilities, introduce students to various Islamic sciences as well as topics such as mathematics, geography, physical sciences, reasoning, etc. This structure will help develop a new generation of Huffaz who will have a very sound memorization of the Quran as well as a deeper appreciation and understanding of it; they will also develop critical thinking skills necessary for supporting the deen in the best of manners.

Proof of Concept:

In 2010, Jamia Rahmani conducted a proof of concept for one year under the leadership of Jb. Ahmad Wali Faisal Rahmani Sb, Director of Strategic Project Management at University of California, USA, with 24 students of the Hifz program and a handful of young ulama (Aalim) without any experience of coaching nor the ability to speak fluent Arabic, to validate the hypothesis that these small children can learn Arabic while doing their Hifz. Allah s.w.t., blessed this proof of concept with huge success. In 2011, Ameer-e-Shariat, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Wali Rahmani Sahib, officially ratified the new vision for the Hifz program.
In 2016, Jamia Rahmani produced it first set of Huffaz, who have memorized the Quran using our current standard of memorization * and are also functional in the Arabic language i.e. they are able to comprehend and communicate in Arabic. This enables them to perform at a much higher level in any Alim program.
*30 Juz in maximum of 6 sitting with less than 3 mistakes in each sitting.

Highlights from the proof of concept:

Student Outcomes:

  • Student outcomes in terms of the Arabic language were achieved without sacrificing the quality of the memorization of the Quran
  • The program did not result in seeking additional time from students to complete their Hifz
  • Students’ are able to recite the Quran in tarteel and have much deeper appreciation of the Ahkam of Tajweed i.e. the science of Quran recitation
  • Production of bi-monthly Arabic magazine by students
  • Neither madaris nor the majority of CBSE schools can claim to produce student magazine in their language of instruction
  • Raising the level of 8 to 15-year-old Hifz program students to produce Arabic magazine is an achievement beyond compare
  • Meezan-us-sarf is an acclaimed book of Arabic Morphology and is taught in Alim courses in Madaris all over India and it takes about seven months to complete this course. Since students in our Hifz program are trained from day one in the Arabic language, they were able to complete this book in 1 month.

Teacher Capability Development Outcomes:

  • Fresh graduates of Jamia Rahmani were hired as instructors, and they were empowered with training and resources to design and developed course material in-house. This effort brought ownership and a deeper understanding of both the purpose, intended student outcomes and the content of the course.
  • Teacher’s Arabic speaking capabilities and confidence were enhanced via live classes from the Arabic language experts from Egypt
  • Teachers were trained on the use of Android phone including Google suite of products for participation on project deliverables

Highlights of Teaching Methodology:

  • The medium of instruction of the Hifz program is primarily Arabic language
  • The pass percentage of our students starts at 75%, unlike most CBSE schools where pass percent is around 40%. The remedial student support continuously enhances students’ abilities to help them score higher than 75%, and alhumdulillah the attendance in remedial classes remains very low to none.
  • Our program does not let students fail, anyone receiving less than 75% is supported by remedial classes so that they are up to speed with the class and thus progress like a team
  • The program utilizes technology in terms of projectors, TVs and tablets for imparting education
  • The program utilizes modern methodologies of learning including designed interactions, self-learning, discussion, engagement, etc., to achieve results.
  • Emphasis is placed on interactive learning rather than rote memorization

Course Development:

  • The first year course was developed in-house that is based on the modern theory of linguistics including language teaching through the immersion program. This is a one-year multimedia course where students are exposed to native Arabic expressions, sounds, nasheeds, culture, etc. Students, view, read, listen, write and comprehend in the Arabic language.
  • A book on Tajweed was composed to aid students to understand the science of reciting the Quran in tarteel per the hukm of Allah s.w.t.
  • Grammar and Morphology courses were standardized. Student outcomes regarding their purpose, learning goals, development of skill-set were established to provide objective criteria for transfer of knowledge

Classroom Enhancements:

  • Technology: classrooms were equipped with projectors, televisions, DVD players, streaming media players, computers, 25 Android tablets and leased line internet connection depending upon the need of the instruction and subject being taught
  • Labs: 2 computer labs were set up with more than 45 terminals. Huge cost savings were achieved by harnessing new thin client technology where five workstation grade computers are supporting 45 terminals.
  • Classrooms were also outfitted with accessories such as glass board for instruction, student desks, mats, shoe rack, storage facility, etc.

Proposed student outcomes the Hifz Program by 2020:

We anticipate to build the curriculum, hire and train teachers with appropriate language and subject skill-set within the next four years. This 5-year program is intended to be implemented by the year 2020 in sha’ Allah.Memorization of the full Quran-al-Karim

  • Memorization of the full Quran-al-Karim
  • Recitation of the Quran with Tarteel
  • Development of Arabic speaking, listening, writing and comprehension abilities at intermediate level based on ACTFL standards ( American Council on the teaching of foreign languages )
  • Elementary mathematics skills including arithmetic and geometry
  • Appreciation of Islamic sciences including the Fiqh, Hadith, and Tafseer and their Usool
  • Appreciation and use physical sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)
  • Appreciation of Reasoning and Logic
  • Understanding of the world Geography (maps, places, people, and culture)
  • Understanding of Civic Structures in the modern society
  • Appreciation of common civil & societal issues such as waste management, green movement, water
  • Languages such as Urdu, Hindi and English at introductory level
  • Introduction to computers and software packages